Joe has years of experience advocating for people.
Joe was elected an International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Business Representative 2005 to 2017, and represented employees from Canby, OR to Chehalis, WA.
Joe has over ten years experience as elected Precinct Committee Officer.
Joe has been active with Skamania County Democrats, including as Vice-Chair 2019-2020 and Secretary 2021-2022.
Throughout his work life Joe has served as an active union member, including in the Communication Workers of America, the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employees Union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees and the Machinists union. His work experience includes employment at the local truck manufacturing plant 1984-2005, and the City of Portland 1982-1984.
Joe’s union and job training includes: Certified Mechanical Inspector, University of Oregon Labor Education LEAD Program, Winpisinger Center Union Training Certifications.
His community service includes: Working with homeless, Labor’s Community Service Agency Navigator, Oregon OSHA Advisory Committee, NW Oregon Labor Council, SW Washington Central Labor Council, Pension Trustee, Associate Supervisor Underwood Conservation District, Cape Horn Conservancy, Skamania County West End Subarea Comprehensive Plan Draft 2001-2004.
Joe is committed to putting the people of our district first:
“Living in a rural area on 50 forested acres, I understand issues facing the rural parts of our district. With my union background, I know the importance of local jobs and opportunities for our whole district and our future.”
A bit about Joe Kear