Working Families
Need A Break!
Joe Kear for State Rep
Washington State Legislative District 17 Pos. 2
Welcome to the official site of Joe Kear, Democratic Candidate for State Representative, 17th Legislative District, Pos. 2.  Joe has a long history of working for change, and brings his union background and dedication to improving lives to this campaign. While power is getting concentrated in the hands of the few at the top, big problems are being ignored. Find out how to join this fight to give the working families of Southwest Washington the ability to get ahead.
Let's Make Our Economy Work for Everyone!
Working families need a break. We need investments to support families and good jobs, small business and local industry. Investments like: Broadband; Healthcare for everyone; Childcare; Public education; Equitable law enforcement; Mental health and housing for the homeless; Clean energy; Forest and farm support.
I live on forestland and understand rural issues in our district. I have always fought for individual rights including organizing the first LGBT events, working for school desegregation and for women’s rights and reproductive choice. With a lifetime of union work, I know from negotiations how to get real results for working families. Let’s make our economy work for everyone!

Thanks so much to everyone who supported this campaign. We weren’t successful in winning the seat, but we did get out the message that many people are being left behind in this economy and that working families need a break.
I am so grateful your efforts and support. Running was a privilege. I was inspired throughout as I met new friends and so many community-minded folks. It was inspiring to have a campaign funded by individual contributions as opposed to the PAC dollars going to the other side.
I met so many wonderful people and heard a lot of personal stories. Many were stories of success in overcoming the problems of our society, and were instructive about the roadblocks people face. Many were stories of people still struggling and reminders of how much more our state government needs to do to make the economy work for everyone.
I’m glad we were able to highlight the important issues:
1) The crisis working families face with increasing costs for housing, healthcare, childcare, education and eldercare.
2) The climate crisis we collectively face, which can be addressed by promoting clean energy and the new jobs that will come from conversion from fossil fuels.
3) Our crisis of community. We need to restore the ideal of valuing and respecting everyone in our communities. That includes respecting a woman’s right to choose and everyone’s individual rights. We can’t ignore people. We need comprehensive approach to helping our homeless population, along with mental health and drug addition services. And we need improved and equitable law enforcement.
Thanks for all your efforts in this election cycle. We won many important races. I wish success for the new legislature and best wishes to everyone for the New Year.